Tuesday, April 28, 2009

OWNER PROFILE - SharkyAZ - Chicago Maulers

This will be a weekly installment, hoping it will give us all a chance to get to know each other a bit and create sort of a tight knit league.

Rocky Mariners 2

Screen name: sharkyaz

Real name: Nick

Age: 32

Current Residence: Oklahoma City, OK

Born in: Lansdale, PA

Occupation: Director of Merchandise for the Oklahoma City Thunder (contracted through XP Events)

Single? Married? Kids? - Have a girlfriend back in Seattle

How long have you been in HBD? Third season

What season did you join 7Mickey7? Season 8

What drew you to HBD? I saw it the year it started, but I was working for an expansion hockey team... I wouldn't have the time to devote to it, so I didn't join. Last season, when the Sonics had left, we had nothing to do. I saw HBD again and decided to join.

What condition was your team in when you took over? The team had a decent minor league system, but the team hadn't had a winning season 3. I had a pretty harsh learning curve, but I feel like I'm getting much better at managing my team. I had only done one trade since I started, but this season, I've done two or three. I feel like I made smart trades, and my team has started out 12-5. I'm hoping they can keep it up!

What are your plans for your team this season? I have a lot of superstars in the making that are starting to be called up to the majors. I brought up Spud Daly and Phil Beckett to start out with, and Daryl Lockwood will make it up at some point this season. I made a free agent acquisition in Louis Bieser, an absolute speedster, and I'm hoping to get him up here as well.

By no means did I think my team would start how they are, but I'm hoping they'll keep it up!

Prediction for your team? Wild Card, won't make it past the first round.

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